London’s Cocoa Futures Release Psych-Funk Thriller "Recovery", the Title Track off Their Second EP

Recovery is a song about alcohol, and all the wonderful and terrible things it can do. It's quite a fun drink but also a dark mess. Cheeky pints can’t be cheeky forever. How many of our relationships would exist without it?” Greg Sanderson, Cocoa Futures

In parts full of swagger, in parts disorienting, but always impossibly euphoric, ‘Recovery’, Cocoa Futures biggest, brashest release from this year’s brilliantly inventive five-track EP of the same name, is full of all the promise and intensity of a memorable all-nighter – the sort that rarely pass without consequence. Indeed, ‘Recovery’ finds frontman Greg Sanderson weighing up the cost of such bacchanalian nights and measuring them against their impact on subsequent days. “At its heart,” says Greg, “the song is a question – how can we discover more about life if we're recovering all the time?

Taking cues from St Vincent, Roxy Music and Low-era Bowie, and dropping them around a core of catchy, warped funk, ‘Recovery’ inexorably builds through its rapturous, trancey chorus to an enormous climax, taking a kitchen-sink approach to percussion, synths and loops as Greg’s vocal becomes ever-more urgent. ‘Recovery’ is a rush, as intoxicating an experience as its subject matter but, rest assured, this is hedonism without the comedown.

Listen to “Recovery” and stream the EP on Spotify below. Be sure to connect with Cocoa Futures on their social media.

Stream and Share “Recovery” on Spotify

Connect with Cocoa Futures: Instagram | Twitter