Todd Curry and Focus - Tear Down The Walls
There’s been a lot of talk of building walls lately. Not just the physical kind, but in the metaphorical sense as well. In some ways, everyone resides behind some type of wall. In the brand new video for “Tear Down the Walls”, Todd Curry and Focus deliver a crushing blow to the barriers that divide, while spreading a message of love, inclusiveness, and faith.
Pastor Todd Curry, affectionately known as Pastor T, is a dynamic preacher, prolific teacher, national youth coordinator, an award winning songwriter, national recording artist, and newly assigned pastor of St. Peter, United Church of God, Inc., located in the Eastwood Community of Pinehurst, NC.
His passion and desire to uplift all, saved or unsaved, has been central to his mission, and has inspired him to launch many initiatives that not only talks the talk, but most importantly also walks the walk. One of his most celebrated entities is Todd Curry and Focus, a nationally touring group, that also won the 2012 Rhythm of Gospel Award for Artist of the Year and many other awards. Their unparalleled talent, commitment, and inclusiveness has made them a staple on the gospel scene from coast to coast, growing their fan base whether it be 1,000 or 1 at a time.
“Tear Down the Walls” is a song birthed from the heart of this man of God. Curry believes that, to effectively “fix” the problems of the world today, we all must “Tear Down the Walls” of indifference, and come together as one, through LOVE. In the exuberant, energetic clip for “Tear Down the Walls,” Todd Curry and Focus stand side by side, trading off lines of the verses that celebrate the common goal they all share. The crowd grows bigger and bigger as more people are brought into the tent, representing folks from all walks of life. And like a Heaven’s foreman, Todd leads the congregation in song, sledgehammer in hand, allowing everyone to take their turn at breaking down these walls. We may not agree on every issue…but disagreement should never equate to hate. Love conquers all. (1 Corinthians 13)