Sonarpilot Unveil Their Latest Single/Video "Citadel"

Sonarpilot Unveil Their Latest Single/Video "Citadel"

In sequences edited by the musical Mr. Moppert himself, Mader's fractal graphics stun and stupefy. From blurred and dusty origins, we experience the delicate evolution of a monumental ancient fortress, with its long deserted labyrinth of soaring spires and enigmatic towers.

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Zolo - I Saw You
Zolo Carlton Boyd Zolo Carlton Boyd

Zolo - I Saw You

Zolo is an artist who is known for his eclectic approach to music, borrowing from multiple genres, such as EDM, Hip-Hop, Pop, and more. Here's Zolo's visual for the track "I Saw You"...

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Zolo - Thought That Counts
Zolo Carlton Boyd Zolo Carlton Boyd

Zolo - Thought That Counts

Zolo is an artist who seamlessly blends Pop, Hip-Hop, and EDM to create his own style that brings everyone out onto the dancefloor. Born in the UK...

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Flex Blur - Loner
Flex Blur Carlton Boyd Flex Blur Carlton Boyd

Flex Blur - Loner

Flex Blur's "Loner" video is inspired by Chicago Footwork; a dance which involves fast movement of the feet with accompanying twists and turns...

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