New Orleans RnB Singer Avé Releases the Visual For Her Song "Good Life"

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Opening up about significant moments in our lives is difficult. Often, artists will use those moments to help build their craft and talk about it. What the artist is left with is something raw but beautiful. New Inspirational R&B singer Avé, from New Orleans, knows all about that. Growing up in a big family that was also musically inclined was bound to leave its mark on Avé. Before there was music, writing was her first love; she continues to write stories and poetry. Her inspiration comes mainly from living in New Orleans and being exposed to violence. Despite her hardships, she remains positive in her life and inspirational in her music.

"Good Life" is an upbeat song with a powerful message. The production of this song is the seamless combination of sick, modern beats mixed with early 2000s sound effects. It jumps in a perfect rhythm throughout the entire song, and it's addicting. But The real star of the show is Avé's gorgeous vocals. Her voice clings to every pitch and note without fail. The lyrics to this song play out like an ultimate testament to the Almighty. The song is about a young Señorita who realizes there's more to life than what she's gone through: if she puts her trust in God and lets Him lead her, she'll reach the good life.

The video for "Good Life" plays out like an intense short film. It starts with a young girl walking in the rain on her way to a night in the city. As the song begins, we see Avé standing in the rain with her umbrella, telling this story. We watch as the female protagonist meets up with a group of friends and the drinks begin to flow. Shot glasses are swung back intensely, and soon, our leading lady is all alone. She stumbles out of the bar with her keys, but when she drops them, the entire video comes to a screeching stop as a car comes into frame. She's okay, and she eventually finds her safe haven in the walls of a church. It's the perfect video for this uplifting story.

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