Melbourne Based Pop Artist Jude Scofield Drops His Debut Single/Video "Don't Let Me Die Alone"

Hailing from Melbourne, Australia, Jude Scofield's interest in music developed when his father gave him a guitar for his 6th birthday. He has always sung and performed with the guitar. He formed his own band in year 8 in high school and performed at school concerts, open nights and areas in Melbourne. After high school, he started working and gigging professionally to support himself.

It was during this time where Jude honed his craft, performing live to many different audiences and doing sounds (mixing/engineering) for other musicians. In 2016, he started learning piano by looking at YouTube tutorials and took his live mixing experience to the studio and started learning how to mix using pro tools and producing music.

After a tragic heartbreak towards the end of 2017, he decided to put his thoughts on paper and wrote his first song 'Don't Let Me Die Alone' on the piano. He then borrowed his friend's bass guitar and drums and played them for the record. After this, a string of songs were written. Each song written, performed, all instruments played, produced and mixed by Jude.

Watch the visuals to the single “Don’t Let Me Die Alone” below and follow Jude on his social media.

Connect with Jude Scofield: Facebook | Twitter


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