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LA Based Alt-Pop Songstress Cami Petyn Unleashes Her Latest Single/Video "Psycho Bitch"

LA based alt-pop songstress Cami Petyn has released her new single and video “Psycho Bitch". This song is exemplary of her heartfelt but sharp edged songwriting style and ability to craft anthemic lyrics from deeply personal themes, accompanied by a punch-you-in-the-gut video that explores aesthetics and visuals outside the norm of what "pop" might have you expect.

"Psycho Bitch" (recorded and mixed by Grammy award winning engineer and Tenacious D bassist John Spiker) is an angular alternative pop song with a fuzzed-out verse that gives it a sonic attitude closer to punk rock than radio fluff. You'll hear influences that range from Miley Cyrus to Madonna, wrapped in a unique and modern veneer. The absolutely huge chorus and lush layers of electronics and backing vocals drive the powerful statement of the song to the forefront. The music video is a gritty, caustic visual escapade that follows the themes of the song - a journey of self realization and female empowerment that ultimately ends in righteous (and well deserved) revenge and owning the moniker "psycho bitch".

Cami has this to say about the themes of the song and the video -

"When I first moved to LA I had some nasty experiences with entitled men who thought they could take advantage of me. I was young and naïve back then so I never stood up for myself - this song is me imagining what I wish I would have done and what I hope other people do if ever in that position.

This song to me is all about taking back your power. So, I want my listeners to imagine that they are also singing to people who have screwed them over and feel empowered. I think of this song as a feminist anthem, but, it really applies to ANYBODY that has felt taken advantage of. ANY gender can be a psycho bitch."

Watch Cami’s music video for “Psycho Bitch” now, stream it on your preferred music service and connect with her on social media.

Stream and Share “Psych Bitch”

Connect with Cami Petyn: Instagram | Twitter