Dublin Pop Artist Nissu Shares the Brand New Lyric Video For His Single "U"

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We featured Dublin based pop artist Nissu on DCWS back in 2019, and now he’s back with “U”, the second single off his upcoming EP. Speaking about its inspiration, Nissu says, “I wrote U inspired by one of my best friends when I was 17, and the lyrics of the song, visuals and videos are all inspired by her. She was moving out of the city we lived in and writing the song was my way of dealing with how much I was missing her. The song is about how to deal with this feeling, and living abroad and away from a lot of my friends and family It feels still so relatable to me and I hope people can relate to it as well.”

Nissu worked with producer Trey Vittetoe on the track’s development, and he is also sharing a very innovative, accompanying lyric video, featuring his friends and fans, shot by John Christopher.

Check out the DOPE lyric video for “U” right now, stream it on your preferred music service and connect with Nissu on his social media. Also, be on the lookout for the official music video for “U” coming soon!

Stream and Share “U”

Connect with Nissu: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram