Colette Kavanagh - Last Kiss

By now, we’ve come to expect beautiful, cinema-quality music videos from Colette Kavanagh. She takes great care to construct videos that are steeped in stunning beauty and sweeping grandeur. Even with those lofty expectations in mind, “Last Kiss” still exceeds our wildest expectations. 

It’s been particularly rewarding to watch Colette expand her fanbase with each and every single she releases. Though we can only watch from across the pond as she reaches beyond her home in County Kildare, her warm persona and masterful songwriting makes her feel like a cherished old friend that we’ve been able to watch grow in leaps and bounds. With influences ranging from Roy Orbison to Julie London, The Carpenters and Johnny Cash to Nora Jones and Natalie Imbruglia, her sound is a welcoming one. Fans of all stripes are instantly pulled into her musical sphere by a mix of personal lyrics and soothing, tender sounds.

Set amongst the Irish countryside, “Last Kiss” follows Colette on a journey across the land in search of that elusive last kiss. She is draped head to toe in a flowing purple cloak, the colors enhanced by the deft touch of director Shane Serrano. The mystery surrounding what she is searching for slowly reveals itself, though it is not likely what anyone expects. 

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