Dasha Releases Raw and Striking Send-Off Single “None Of My Business"

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Introducing Dasha - the pristine pop singer strutting onto the scene quickly establishing herself as a sure force to be reckoned with. After being selected by SONY in a song and artist competition held in Nashville, the California native got the chance of a lifetime. Signing with SONY Germany/FAMOUZ Records for a single deal, Dasha released the catchy and confident track “Don’t Mean A Thing.” Her momentum continued as she brought her girl-power-punch to Live Oak Music Festival and opened for a date on LISSIE’s US tour. These incredible opportunities led Dasha to signing with Quadio Records, an independent label based in New York City that champions the next generation of recording artists. Now, this girl boss is back with her second release of 2020, “None Of My Business” released with Quadio Records in partnership with Sony/Disruptor Records.

“None of My Business” is an anti-cheating anthem that radiates hot girl summer energy. The single was co-written by Chelsea Balan who has penned some of pop’s brightest including AJ Mitchell, Joseph Tilly, Kaskade, and Meg Smith and produced by Elijah Hill who has worked among acts Crobin, Young L, Maty Noyes, Lizzy Land and crafted official remixes for Ava Max. Put together the three results in pop perfection.

“None Of My Business” exudes breeziness and sparkles with its 90’s R&B influenced melody. Behind this facade, however, are intensely honest and emotion-filled lyrics that cut like a knife, bringing an undeniable sense of authenticity to her work. With the devil on her tongue but an angel in her voice, Dasha delivers a raw and striking send-off single, solidifying her spot as a rising pop sensation.

On the track Dasha explains, “None Of My Business was written around the feeling you get when the person you want doesn’t want you back. The storyline in the record is exaggerated into walking in on the guy you’re with and another girl cheating, but the sentiment is the same. There are so many songs about crying over someone who doesn’t want you back, but I’m not about to spend that much energy playing the victim and being hurt over some dude. ‘None Of My Business’ is all about showing that person the bad bitch they lost and almost rubbing it in their face a little!

‘None Of My Business’ is the epitome of what I’ve been creatively trying for since I first began writing. It’s so satisfying as an artist to know that I finally reached the point in my career where I can confidently outline who I am as a writer and artist and where I see my sound going - None Of My Business is all of that and more.”

Listen to “None of My Business” now, stream it on your preferred music service and connect with Dasha on her social media.

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