No Data, No Problems

We’ve all been there: it’s nearing the end of the month and we get a message from our mobile service provider. “You’re out of data, sucks to be you.” For the next week, we’re stranded on our train rides, extended commutes, and long walks without our music and apps – unless of course we want to pay for extra data that month, which costs about $20 and our first born children.

Here at DOPE, we understand the struggle and have found a way to ease the pain. If you have a Spotify account, we invite you to follow our new playlist: NO DATA, NO PROBLEMS. Download the playlist to your mobile device while on a Wifi network and you’ll have enough music to keep you going through the end of the month. The playlist is short, a mere fifty songs, so your phone will never be overburdened with unnecessary data to store- and it’s updated every other week, so you’ll always have new music to listen to. We’ll furnish you with music that’s already chart topping as well as music featured on our website and by our record label.

To find the playlist, search for writer Carmen R. Lawrence’s profile. Carmen, one of our writers for featured artists and spotlight interviews, will update the playlist regularly. The playlist is public and live now! Download the playlist today to solve all your data problems!


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